Family Resources
Click on a resource below for a brief description of their services, helpful documents, and contact information.
The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs has served Texas A&M and its students since 1928. Since their founding, this organization has grown along with the university. The Federation now includes approximately 6,650 Aggie Moms who are members of 108 Mothers’ Clubs which are organized into twenty geographic Districts across Texas and around the nation. All Aggie family members are invited to join their local club.
Looking for ways to get involved with Aggie Moms? There are many opportunities:
- Fill out the interest form here (or the PDF below) in order to be contacted by your local Aggie Mom's club. Don't worry if there is not a club near you, you can be adopted by another club!
- Join the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers' Clubs Facebook group. This group is for Aggie Moms and friends supportive to the Federation and Aggie Moms Clubs. Once an Aggie Mom, always an Aggie Mom. Be sure to answer all four questions when you request to join.
- Look for Aggie Mom events happening near you. This link includes information regarding Howdy events and other events throughout the year.
Additionally, Aggie Moms are here to help. If your Aggie has an emergency such as a health issue, death in the family, etc. local Brazos County Aggie Moms are here to help on a temporary basis. Many of us have had our Aggies experience something when we couldn’t get to them to help. Having another Aggie Mom who can fill the gap is very comforting. Please contact us if your Aggie is in need of some extra help!
Visit The Federation of Aggie Mothers Clubs website for more information!
Helpful Information
As part of the Aggie Family, we want to be your partner in supporting your student(s) at Texas A&M. Your roles as parents and mentors are as important as ever. Studies show that parental involvement increases the chances that a college student will be successful on campus and improves graduation rates.
In addition to coordinating New Student Conferences to welcome incoming students and their families to Texas A&M, we also coordinate Howdy Week, Aggieland's official week of welcome, and Family Weekend, which is held in the spring.
We hope that you will take full advantage of the services, events and resources we provide including:
- Aggie Family Calendar
- Aggie Family Webchats
- Aggie Parent & Family Connection
- Aggie Parent & Family Advisory Council
We also facilitate the nomination and selection process for the Texas A&M Parents of the Year, and we supervise two student organizations: the Aggie Orientation Leaders and the Aggie Parent and Family Ambassadors.

[email protected]